Program Planning – The Key to A Successful Pack AND Den

According to a research project done by Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, Indiana, the common element of all strong Cub Scout packs is they have a good annual Pack program planned a year in advance that is shared with all families in the form of a calendar.  The important result of a shared annual program calendar is that your pack will attract more families, and Cub Scouts will stay for a long time.  In other words, planning for the new Cub Scout program just might be the key to transitioning smoothly from the current Cub Scout program into the new.  

Many packs plan their upcoming year during the summer, but how many dens have their own calendar planned by August?  The key to this “transition year” will be creating an annual plan for each den before the new program starts.  Starting the new program with a yearly plan in place will allow your den to create a plan that is based on your climate, local school and community events, the resources available in your area, and the interests of boys in your den.  Parents will know well in advance exactly which adventures will be done during the year, so they will know which electives they are free to do with their family, and which adventures to help their son complete if he misses a meeting or two.

Basics of Den Planning

Using the Tiger den as an example, below are the basic steps to use when planning a den’s yearly calendar:

1) Look at the rank required adventures carefully to decide what month would be best suited to which adventure.  There is no required order in which the adventures must be completed. 

  • Which adventures have requirements that are best completed in certain seasons?  For example, in the Tiger required adventure Backyard Jungle, boys are asked to plant a tree or other plant in their neighborhood. 
  • Which adventures require trips?  Games Tigers Play requires boys visit a sporting event to ask a player or coach why he or she thinks it is important to be active.  Tigers in the Wild requires boys visit a nearby nature center, zoo, or other outside place. 
  • Do any adventures require that the den coordinate with other dens, or the pack?  Tigers in the Wild requires boys participate in an outdoor pack meeting or pack campout campfire. 

2) Once all the required adventures have been scheduled, go back and fill in the remaining months with elective adventures. There are more than enough elective adventures to choose from, so you are sure to have a fun year round program for the boys to participate in. 

3) Create a simple monthly calendar for the den.  The Tiger den calendar might look like this:

*Note: the Tiger required adventure My Family’s Duty to God is not listed on the calendar above because the requirements are primarily completed at home. 

Adventures are designed to take three den meetings, so every boy will have the opportunity to earn an adventure loop every month, no matter where he is on his rank progress. Remember, each time boys complete an adventure they earn the corresponding adventure loop. No more waiting until their rank is earned before they can be awarded for those electives. 

Another helpful tool to plan will be the Cub Scout Adventure Analysis Worksheet.  By analyzing what impact to finances, manpower, and pack meeting the adventures will have, your unit will have a good idea of the support needed in your den. This worksheet can be found on the Cub Scout Program Changes page at

New Cub Scout Books Available!
The new youth Cub Scout handbooks and den leader guides are now available!  Contact Win at the Samoset Council Scout Shop: or (715) 355-9680.
New Program Workshops: Your Ticket to Adventure!
To ensure everyone is ready to make the transition to the new program on June 1, workshops will be held throughout the council in May.  The meetings will outline the coming changes, how to prepare, and provide the new den leader guides FREE to all den leaders in attendance!  In order to get your free book, you must RSVP online by April 29.
Leaders attending a workshop can also pre-order new leader guides, handbooks for boys, neckerchiefs, and neckerchief slides online and receive them at the meeting. 

Visit to RSVP and purchase your new program supplies in advance.  

Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 PM – Marshfield (LDS Church, 2207 West 5th Street)

Tuesday, May 12 at 6:30 PM – Stevens Point (SPASH commons, 1201 Northpoint Drive)

Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 PM – Tomahawk (Tomahawk Middle School, 1048 East King Road)

Saturday, May 16 at 9 AM – Wausau (LDS Church, 5405 Rib Mountain Drive)

Have questions about the new Cub Scout program, or anything related to Cub Scouting?  Contact Cub Scout Director of Samoset Council Erin Straw at or 715-301-9829.