Commissioners - A Unit Leader's Best Friend

Commissioners are district and council volunteer leaders who help Scouting units succeed.  Commissioners can be a tremendous resource to new Scouting volunteers and to experienced unit leaders alike.  The top priority of the Samoset Council is to provide exceptional service to each Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Venturing Crew, Exploring Post and STEM Scouts Lab.  Our volunteer team of Commissioners lead this effort!

If you are interested building the strongest Scouting programs possible in the Samoset Council by providing mentorship and guidance to Scouting volunteers, the role of Commissioner may be right for you.  To inquire about how to become a Unit Commissioner please email our Council Commissioner at

There are several types of Commissioners in Scouting.  The most important Commissioners to a Scouting volunteer are:

Unit Commissioners.  Unit Commissioners coach and consult regularly with adult volunteer leaders of Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews.

Roundtable Commissioners.  Roundtable Commissioners lead the monthly District Roundtable meetings for Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing leaders.


Already Serving as a Commissioner?  

Thank you!  These Resources Are For You:

Four easy ways to record unit visits:

1. Login to

2. Download this form and mail it in.

3. Download this form and email it to






 Scouting America, Samoset Council
 3511 Camp Phillips Rd, Weston WI 54476
 715-355-1450 (phone)
 Office & Shop Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Tue-Thur).

Samoset Vision: Every youth prepared for tomorrow's challenges.