Preserving the Legacy
Samoset Council Endowment Campaign
Samoset Scouting has a long and prestigious history of providing the best Camping experiences for thousands of youth and adults across the country. Tesomas Scout Camp, founded in 1935, Akela’s World Cub Scout Camp and the most recent addition Hanna Venture Base, have all been Nationally Accredited by the Boy Scouts of America every year. These Camps are also annually ranked in the top 5 Camps across the Nation. These accomplishments are an extension of Samoset Council’s continued determination to provide the finest Camping experiences for all its members and their families. Samoset Council continues to pledge its dedication to Preserving The Legacy and the development of young men and women. Achieving all of the program objectives of Samoset Council becomes increasingly more challenging each year. Financial resources must be secured to preserve our excellent camping properties and Scouting programs.
While Samoset Council is financially stable, its annual program costs of nearly $2 million must be secured through gifts from the friends and families of Scouting, foundation grants, special events, and United Ways. Support from traditional sources has not been able to keep up with Samoset Scouting’s increasing number of youth served.
Keeping up with Growth
A strategic solution to this responsibility to keep up with Scouting’s growth is development of the Samoset Council Endowment Trust Fund. This permanent, professionally managed fund is restricted in order that the principal remains in perpetuity, with only earned income used annually for the support of Samoset programs.
In an effort to encourage support for the Samoset Council Endowment Trust Fund, the Council has established the Scouting Heritage Society program and the Endowment Preserving The Legacy Campaign. Their objective is to encourage men and women who believe in Samoset Scouting to invest in its future. Those who make gifts to the Samoset Council’s Endowment will establish their legacy in the lives of youth and receive national BSA recognition.
You Can Help
You can improve the lives of thousands of young men and women in northern Wisconsin. If you can give a financial gift, every gift we receive is important. Samoset Council, BSA’s successful accomplishments are due to the support we receive from people such as you.
For over 95 years, Samoset Scouting has provided a strong environment for youth to develop themselves into responsible and contributing adults. Our programs have enhanced strong values and ethics into thousands of young men. The need for Scouting is greater today more than ever. Children today need positive support in addition to their family and church influences. With your support we can all make a difference in the lives of our children.
Please join us in the most important task of our time, developing our youth and Preserving The Legacy of Samoset Scouting. All gifts can be pledged and payable over time. For example, a James E. West gift can be payable over 3-years with monthly payments of only $28.
Please contact Samoset Council at (715) 355-1450 to get more information on how you can become an Official Sponsor of the Crystal Lake Scout Reservation and Preserve Your Legacy with Samoset Scouting. Your gifts are tax deductible. You can also give in the form of estate planned gifts, which also provide tax deductions and avoid estate gift taxes.
Together we can make a difference!
Ways to Preserving the Legacy
The following are ways you can enhance the lives of thousands of young men and women and contribute to the Samoset Endowment Fund.
The James E. West Fellowship:
- $1,000 cash or stock gift payable over three years.
- You will receive a James E. West Founder of Scouting Knot and Certificate from the National BSA acknowledging your gift.
Crystal Lake Scout Reservation Sponsor:
- $2,000 cash or stock gift payable over five years to sponsor ten acres of the Crystal Lake Scout Reservation, Rhinelander, WI
- You will receive a James E. West Knot and Certificate from our National BSA and we will personally engrave a title at the Crystal Lake Scout Reservation monument in your honor.
Samoset Council Heritage Society:
- $3,000 gift, any outright gift or a pledge to give this amount at a future time
- You will become a lifetime member of Samoset Council’s Heritage Society together with all its benefits.
The 1910 Society:
- $25,000 or more, an outright gift of cash or in a pledge made payable within five years.
- You will receive a 1910 Certificate from our National BSA.
- Additionally, you will receive a limited edition 1 st Edition of the Boy Scouts of America Handbook with your name engraved on the cover.
The Founders Circle:
- $100,000 of more gift in the form of a deferred gift commitment
- You will receive a Founders Circle Certificate from our National BSA.
- Additionally, you will receive a limited edition 1 st Edition of the Boy Scouts of America Handbook with your name engraved on the cover.
Endow a Fellowship (in your name or to honor another person):
- By selecting and providing funding for a program position at Samoset Council, BSA. For Example : The John Q. Public Fellowship Endows: The Tesomas Camp Director position.
- An approximately $100,000 outright gift will generate enough funds on interest that will ensure the Tesomas Scout Camp will always be assured of having a Camp Director.
- Additionally, each year the Tesomas Scout Camp Director will receive a John Q. Public Fellowship to serve as Samoset Staff.
To contribute to the Samoset Endowment Fund please call (715) 355-1450.